Donate To A Project

Donate to a project of your choice and make an impact that will change the lives of many.
How it Works
1. Nominate your chosen amount and process your payment direct.
2. On arrival at the resort, we invite you to organise with our guest relations officers a visit to the projects listed and learn more about the resorts vision in supporting sustainable village developments.
Projects Supported
Here at Sinalei we bare a deep love for our community and environment. Read more about the local projects we support.
Community Projects
Palalaua College Cultural Fale: One of our first initiatives in the village of Siumu was the funding of the Palalaua College Cultural Fale in 1997. We are proud to announce that this centre has since served as a mainstay for student cultural demonstrations and chiefly Village meetings.
Village Hospital: Understanding the importance of our people’s health, the Resort has endeavoured to do all it can to support our local hospital. From linen and beds to furniture and equipment, we continue to rejuvenate the hospitals supplies to ensure that patients are cared for.
Sinalei String Band: We love our Sinalei string band, so when the opportunity arose for them to realise their dream of recording their very own album, we jumped at it! The Sinalei String Band’s CD is available for purchase in the Sinalei Boutique. Proceeds go back to the band.
Buying Local: As part of our farm, ocean to plate food philosophy, we continue to purchase and support local farmers by sourcing a majority of our fruits, vegetables and seafood from the surrounding villages.
Village Rugby: For years Sinalei has backed our local rugby boys in their yearly quest for glory by sponsoring the annual Sinalei Sevens Competition. Our hope is that this talented bunch get a chance to realise their dreams of one day playing on the big stage.
Dental Care: On an annual basis Sinalei hosts an internationally certified dentist for a period of 2-3weeks, providing free dental health care to members of staff, their families and the wider village community.
Poutausi Arts Centre: With the help of our dear friend Fatu Feuu, one of New Zealand and Samoa’s most decorated artists, we have set up the Poutasi Village Arts Centre where our villagers can create and sell locally made arts and crafts. The Art Centre welcomes visitors Monday – Saturday (Monday – Friday 11am -4pm & Half Days Saturdays).
Poutasi Preschool & Sewing Lessons: An exciting new project taking shape in 2016 is our local Village Preschool, now offering sewing lessons for local mothers and fathers wanting to learn a new set of skills while their children attend kindy. With sewing machines, materials and teachers all provided, the aim is to not only educate our youngsters but also provide work opportunities for our local parents.
Poutasi Ukulele School: We, like many, love the sound of the Ukulele strumming. In an effort to preserve this unique art form and encourage community involvement, Sinalei has championed a Ukulele school. Here we teach our youth how to play and eventually build Ukuleles. The School runs on Saturdays in Poutasi Village and we encourage our guests to come along.
Village Community Hall: With the help of the NZ Government, Lockie Mullholand and the Heal & Protect Foundation, we have managed to build a beautiful community hall for the village of Poutasi. On Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays you will find the Preschool there for their morning assembly and in the afternoon this multipurpose venue is used for youth fitness.
Volunteer Program: In 2009, with the help of Equippers church NZ, we went about building Volunteer Housing and The Poutasi Development Trust. Through the trust and with the help of amazing volunteers from all over the globe, we have managed to successfully build and maintain projects like the Poutasi Gardens, Arts Centre, Ukulele and Pre-school.
Falealili Seasonal Work Programme: Sinalei has been a major sponsor of this very worthy initiative that has developed into a significant provider of seasonal overseas employment for our young Samoans. Some 200 travel to both New Zealand and now Australia each year to work in the horticultural industry and bring home new skills and much needed financial resources to help their families and communities.
Environmental Programs
Going Green: In doing our part to protect this beautiful place we call home, we have implemented various environ-friendly initiatives. From the use of energy saving light bulbs, solar panels & bamboo straws to the implementation of sustainable waste disposal systems and recycling procedures, we are slowly edging our way towards a greener Sinalei.
The Sinalei Spring: In honouring our commitment to keep things natural at the resort, we, in 1998, decided to source our own pure water from a hidden reservoir beneath the resort. In doing so, we have not only kept our water free of chemicals but also free of waste.
Village Rubbish Run: We understand that keeping our villages beautiful can be a difficult task so as a fun & environmentally friendly way of doing so, our Sinalei family together with the Siumu Primary School engage in regular “Road Side” clean up days to keep our Samoa green.
Pacific Sustainability Monitoring Program: As a means of improving environmental accountability, Sinalei have committed to the Pacific Sustainability Monitoring Program. An initiative designed to record the progress of the company’s pioneering environmental change.
Poutasi Gardens: In partnership with the Tindal Foundation, we have successfully built and maintained the Poutasi Gardens. The focus of the project is to encourage sustainable harvesting practices amongst farmers and healthy living in Samoa.
Marine Protection: After extensive negotiations and with the help of the MNRE, Poutasi Village is now a dedicated Marine Protected area. Our hope is that this initiative safeguards the reef and surrounding marine life that has supported our island existence.
Samoa Conservation Society ‘Carbon Off-set’ Initiatives: Sinalei has developed a landscape of lush tropical vegetation to help offset the resort’s carbon emissions and sponsors the Society’s initiatives to plant native trees at the Le Pupu Pu’e National Reserve to help the NGOs quest for carbon neutrality. Well over 3,000 trees have been planted already.